Tuesday, 28 April 2020

level 3

Today is level 3, and  I am still staying at home because of the covid-19. But I am  able to do school work online. I played outside in my backyard with my big bouncy ball,  I enjoyed the sun on my face it was nice and warm.


  1. I like your writing Helena, good girl. I am also very happy that today is level 3 and it is awesome that you are able to keep learning at home! The sun was very nice and warm today wasn't it? I am looking forward to seeing you sharing some cool learning on your blog!

    See you at 11:30 on the Google Hangout.

    From Miss Scanlan.

  2. Isn't the move to Level 3 exciting Helena? I guess for you not much has changed. Did you get anything you couldn't get at level 4? I am working from school now which is very different. I hope you are doing well. Keep up the great online learning, from Mrs Carruthers.

  3. Hi Helena,

    It is so nice to hear you have been outside being active and playing with the ball can you share a video next time your outside playing


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